Load Frame
We understand how important it is to confidently stand behind your work. Load testing helical piles is the best way to give you and your clients the confidence to build on the solid foundation you have provided. Offering load tests is a fast, reliable, cost effective method of assessing a helical piles bearing capacity. Slabjack Foundation offers numerous size load test frames, calibrated hydraulic cylinders, and calibrated gauges. These packages were designed in accordance with today’s ASTM testing methods and standards.
Load Frame Kits available for Rent

66 Ton Load Frame Kit Includes:
Complete Load Frame
Reaction Caps
10 Williams Bar and Nuts
Bearing Plates
Angle Iron
(3) Dial Indicators
(2) Calibrated Test Gauges’ (10,000 PSI)
100 Ton Power Team Calibrated Load Cell
Power Team Hand Pump
Load Lowering Valve
Hydraulic Hoses

186 Ton Load Frame
Reaction Caps
20 Williams Bar and Nuts
Bearing Plates
Angle Iron
(3) Dial Indicators
(2) Calibrated Test Guages (10,000 PSI)
200 Ton Power Team Calibrated Load Cell
Power Team Hand Pump
Load Lowering Valve
Hydraulic Hoses

200 ton Load Frame
Reaction Caps
20 Williams Bar and Nuts
Bearing Plates
Angle Iron
(3) Dial Indicators
(2) Calibrated Test Guages (10,000 PSI)
200 Ton Power Team Calibrated Load Cell
Power Team Electric Pump
Load Lowering Valve
Hydraulic Hoses

250 ton Load Frame
Reaction Caps
20 Williams Bar and Nuts
Bearing Plates
Angle Iron
(3) Dial Indicators
(2) Calibrated Test Guages (10,000 PSI)
200 Ton Power Team Calibrated Load Cell
Power Team Electric Pump
Load Lowering Valve
Hydraulic Hoses

300 ton Load Frame
Reaction Caps
20 Williams Bar and Nuts
Bearing Plates
Angle Iron
(3) Dial Indicators
(2) Calibrated Test Guages (10,000 PSI)
200 Ton Power Team Calibrated Load Cell
Power Team Electric Pump
Load Lowering Valve
Hydraulic Hoses